Saddle possibly for the Hungarian Dragon Order, early 15th century, Austria. 

Constructed of wood veneered with bone with a high forward curved bow, the outline of the cantle forming two semi-circles set at an angle to the tree. It is pierced on each side with slots for the girth and stirrups, and holes for the panels and harness. The bone plaques are decorated with dragons and foliage, and on either side of the pommel with a scroll held at the top by a hand and below in the mouth of a dragon, inscribed in gothic lettering, in South German dialect, right side, 'ich hoff des pesten / dir geling' (I hope the best fortune may attend you); left side 'hilf got / wol auf sand jorgen nam' (Help God! Forward in the name of St George). Two scrolls at the back of the cantle are inscribed 'im ars / is vinster' (in the arse it is black). At the point of the bow is a cross of St George, and the whole design is emphasised by inlays of black, red and green mastic.

Saddle for the Hungarian Dragon Order

Saddle possibly for the Hungarian Dragon Order, early 15th century, Austria. Constructed of wood veneered with bone with a high forward curved bow, the outline of the cantle forming two semi-circles set at an angle to the tree. It is pierced on each side with slots for the girth and stirrups, and holes for the panels and harness. The bone plaques are decorated with dragons and foliage, and on either side of the pommel with a scroll held at the top by a hand and below in the mouth of a dragon, inscribed in gothic lettering, in South German dialect, right side, 'ich hoff des pesten / dir geling' (I hope the best fortune may attend you); left side 'hilf got / wol auf sand jorgen nam' (Help God! Forward in the name of St George). Two scrolls at the back of the cantle are inscribed 'im ars / is vinster' (in the arse it is black). At the point of the bow is a cross of St George, and the whole design is emphasised by inlays of black, red and green mastic.

Asset Number Di 2011-0074 Keywords: